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FSO专题 : 文本搜索
Microsoft Windows 2000
构建免受 FSO 威胁虚拟主
一组FSO相关FUNCTION,常用代码         ★★★
作者:Andy.m 文章来源:Andy.m 更新时间:2003-12-8 2:13:23

'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASPWizard Copyright ?1999-2001 >>>>>>>
'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[       Generic File Deletion      ]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
'|Author: Joaquim Jos?Prates Ferreira
'|Date Created: 13/01/2001
'|Last Update: 28/06/2001
'|Description: This function will delete unwanted files from the server...
'| V1.1: Added a new parameter [ intShowLabel ] 0 - Do not show label / 1 - Show label
'| V1.0: This function only accepts one parameter at the moment, the path with the file,
'|  below there are examples of how to call the function.
'| Call Generic_FileDeletion(File path 'REQUIRED')
'| Call Generic_FileDeletion("myfile.txt")
'| Call Generic_FileDeletion("win95/myfile.txt")
'|Please remember to specify a Path, otherwise an Error will occur...

Function Generic_FileDeletion(byval strpath,byval intShowLabel)

IF strpath = "" or isnull(strpath) then
Response.Write("Sorry but a path is required when calling this function")
End IF

IF intShowLabel = "" or isnull(intShowLabel) then
Response.Write("Sorry but the paramter <b>intShowLabel</b> is missing. PARAMETER IS REQUIRED")
End IF

Filename = Server.MapPath(strpath)

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  If fs.FileExists(filename) Then

   if intShowLabel = 1 then
    response.write "File" & " <b>(" & strpath & ")</b> " & " has Been Deleted with Success.<BR>"
   end if
   response.write "No path was found, or file does not exist to delete...<BR>"
  End If

End Function


'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASPWizard.co.uk Copyright ?1999-2001 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[       Generic_FileCopy.asp       ]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
'|Author: Joaquim Jos?Prates Ferreira
'|Last Author: Joaquim Jos?Prates Ferreira
'|Date Created: 26/04/2001
'|Last Update: 26/04/2001
'|Description: This function will copy Files From [ A ] to [ B ]
'| V1.0: This function will copy a file from one Folder to another.
'| strFileSource  - We specify the path to the file to Copy
'| strFileDestination - We sepcify the path to the new file
'| strOverWrite  - We say if we want to overwright a file
'| Call Generic_FileCopy("D:\Xkudos\NewsX_1997.mdb","D:\Xkudos\Xkudos\Xkudos\DB\NewsX_1997.mdb",True)
Function Generic_FileCopy(ByVal strFileSource,ByVal strFileDestination,ByVal strOverWrite)
'--------------------------------[ERROR CHECKING]--------------------------------
IF strFileSource = "" or isnull(strFileSource) Then
Response.Write("Sorry but a File Source path is required when calling this function")
End IF
IF strFileDestination = "" or isnull(strFileDestination) Then
Response.Write("Sorry but a File Destination path is required when calling this function")
End IF
' ERROR CHECKING!!!!...[True - False]
IF strOverWrite = "" or isnull(strOverWrite) Then
Response.Write("Sorry but a File Destination path is required when calling this function")
End IF
'--------------------------------[/ERROR CHECKING]--------------------------------
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(strFileSource) Then
  fso.CopyFile strFileSource, strFileDestination, strOverWrite
  Response.Write("The file does not exist...")
End If
Set fso = Nothing
End Function

'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASPWizard Copyright ?1999-2002 >>>>>>>>>>>>
'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[       Generic_FileWriter.asp ]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
'|Author: Joaquim Jos?Prates Ferreira
'|Last Author: Joaquim Jos?Prates Ferreira
'|Date Created: 24/02/2002
'|Last Update: 24/02/2002
'|Description: This function will write a file, you just need to pass 3
'|                parameters.  And you will create files in you folder, quick and easy
'| V1.0:
'| strFileName         - Required Parameter
'| strFileExtension - Required Parameter
'| strFileContent     - Required Parameter
'| Example of Call:
'|        CAll Generic_FileWriter("MyFileName","HTML","The content goes here...")

Function Generic_FileWriter(strFileName,strFileExtension,strFileContent)

Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
Set oTXS = oFS.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(strFileName & "." & strFileExtension),8,True)


End Function


'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASPWizard Copyright ?1999-2001 >>>>>>>>>
'|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>[       Generic_FileFerrete.asp          ]>>>>>>>>>>>
'|Author: Joaquim Ferreira
'|Date Created: 19/02/2001
'|Last Update: 20/02/2001
'|Last Author: Joaquim Ferreira
'|Dependencies: A Folder to Search On
'|Description: The following function will go to a specific folder specified by the parameter (strDirectory)
'|    And display the contents of that folder  with a URL to it.
'|  V1.1: Added the Error Checking statements to the function
'|  V1.0:
'| The current variables are:
'| strDirectory - We specify the Folder Path
'| dtStartingDate - It is is required a starting criteria
'| dtEndingdate - It is is required a Ending criteria
'| intqued   - It decides if we using the queue directory or not (0 - No / 1 - Yes)
'| Example:
'|  Call FileFerret(strDirectory, dtStartingDate, dtEndingdate,intqued)
'| Normal Usage:
'|  Call FileFerret("/desktop/ASP_odds/Generic_Funcs/test/","19/02/2001 00:00:00","20/02/2001 16:16:34",0)
'|  When using on queued directory:
'|  Call FileFerret("/desktop/ASP_odds/Generic_Funcs/test/","19/02/2001 00:00:00","20/02/2001 16:16:34",1)

Function FileFerret(ByVal strDirectory,ByVal dtStartingDate,ByVal dtEndingdate,ByVal intqued)
Dim intBadcounter ' It will count how many bad emails there are
Dim intquedCounter

intBadcounter = 0
intquedCounter = 0

'-----------------------[ START ERROR CHECKING ]---------------------------
' Checks if there is a ( directory )defined in the parameter
If strDirectory = "" or isnull(strDirectory) Then
  Response.Write("The parameter for Directory is missing - IT IS A REQUIRED PARAMETER!")
End If

' Checks if the ( Starting Date ) Parameter is missing
If dtStartingDate = "" or isnull(dtStartingDate) Then
  Response.Write("The Starting Date parameter is missing - IT IS A REQUIRED PARAMETER!")
End If

' Checks if the ( Ending Date ) Parameter is missing
If dtEndingdate = "" or isnull(dtEndingdate) Then
  Response.Write("The Ending Date parameter is missing - IT IS A REQUIRED PARAMETER!")
End If

' Checks if the ( intqued ) Parameter is missing
If intqued = "" or isnull(intqued) Then
  Response.Write("The intqued parameter is missing - IT IS A REQUIRED PARAMETER!")
End If
'-----------------------[ END ERROR CHECKING ]---------------------------

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fs.GetFolder(server.mappath(strDirectory))
Set fc = f.files

<Table Border="0" Cellpadding="0" Cellspacing="3" Align="Center">

For Each File in fc
intquedCounter = intquedCounter + 1
  ' It checks if it is in between a certain Time limite
  If formatdatetime(File.datecreated ,0) >= dtStartingDate and formatdatetime(File.datecreated ,0) <= dtEndingdate Then

   ' Checks if it is an Email
   If right(File.Name,4) = ".msg" or  right(File.Name,4) = ".eml" Then
    IMG = "img/email.gif"
   End If

   ' Checks if it is a log file or a Text File
   If right(File.Name,4) = ".log" or  right(File.Name,4) = ".txt" Then
    IMG = "img/txt.jpg"
   End If

   ' Checks if it is a BAD email file
   If right(File.Name,4) = ".bad" Then

    ' Increases the Bad emails counter by 1
       intBadcounter = intBadcounter + 1
    IMG = "img/emailbad.gif"
   End If
<TD align="center"><img src="<%=IMG%>"></TD>
<TD><A HREF='<%=strDirectory & File.name%>'><%=File.name%></a></TD>
<TD><%=formatdatetime(File.datecreated ,0)%></TD>
  End If

<TD>There are </TD><TD><b><%=intBadcounter%></b> bad emails.</TD>
' We check if we using the queue directory (0 - No / 1 - Yes)
IF intqued = 1 Then %>
<TD>There are </TD><TD><b><%=intquedCounter%></b> emails awating to be sent.</TD>
<% End If %>

End Function

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